Stupid and random stuff we've said
Pocket knife black man running Pocket knife Olympics training W-hat? Steve-O, Vito, Devo, Tivo, Cheeto Bwick Elias Box Fart Vitos gone wild! The thing talking to the old man. Scuze me Asian, Scuze me Asian. To the right of the brother Honey, get the camera. Church o God Church o Christ Aragorn, Legolas, Frodo, Samwise, Merry and Pippin,Canacorn, Legolamb, Frito, Spamwise, Berry and Chitlin They say that Bugs man, they grow in the grass. Abraham NONCLIN. So many stuff They has this little raccoon, it was like a little rabbit Cheese-ass Everybody in the club getting tipsssssssssssssss,s Jesus almost kinda sounds like cheese-ass They need to verify his alibi Chicken pussy RVs make me nervous- Gramps Bond OR Bond, Gramps Bond Old, fart expert (you gotta put the pause where the comma is or else it is NOT funny) Poctuspie Pontypoctus Pontagon. How many sides does a Pontagon have? Just one Pontipoctuspie Pontipoctus-agon Sped crab Tape-n-rape Snortin coke at Folks 1 beard the Pirate Bad Finger the Pirate I felt like a fuckin tanning booth mother fucker Leaky fish nuts Supreme fish nuts in you braces Desert picture cow blue Little boy blew. He needed money Chopstick in love The Gob String hole Laura: Balls balls Laura: What did I say? Jack double cheez burger fish Desert artist steer locker Harry Baugh (get it? It sounds like ball?) Leaky Baugh I feel like fuckin Rice Krispies. I love it when you call me large poppa Cont-l b-fast Chciken Mc...something Chicken Mc...nothing Chicken Cafertia...the spelling on the trash cans in our school lunch room TOMATTARU! MAN PILLAR -God, I was up till the buttcrack of the ass crack of of Satan lat night wrapping gifts.- Laura Blow up crayons and elastic rabbits Slut cock ass cat -It's 2:00, do you know where your children are?- -Sittin right here on my dick.- -Dead silence- patootie. Porkstick, bacon club, breakfast cop The CHUND of music It-s one of them Estevezes -Points to flamingo and kid jumping- It-s Velvet Revolver! -Fuckin, the god-damned Jiminy Cricket- -Your Face in a bag is beating my ass- Bojnagles! Hitler the movie Big hairy pussy Monkey in the middle...Smokey and the Bandit Birthday torches The C-ont-l B-fast Club Midget bitch what-s for dinner Sawass Jackson He-s not a petafile...he-s a wolf Pee-Paw Hitler died of diareha because he was squat |
2D ^_^