Random b.s. pictures
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This is a good place to put pictures, thumbnails, drawings, clip art, etc...

So...pictures that we made, like or just think are foonay. Isn't this an ugly color?

These are some colorbars that I made. I worked SOO hard on these. ^_^ You're welcome to use them if you want but please credit. Suger_baby_love or Im_Haggard. If you want better resolution ones of them, go to my Photobucket and search for Im_Haggard

7Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  .Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting0

 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 

Fuck yeah...that's us. We're cool. You know it.

Whadday think? Did I come pretty close? Sorry about the bad quality of the pic...you can only use certian formats for pics on here which SUCKS...but I make do with the resources I have.

Elizabeth as Samara....she's a huge The Ring fan...and aslo, she's a HUGE Kill Bill fan. You should see it. It's crazy!


I'm friggin proud of these...The top set is a JRock band that me some friends Cosplayed. And that is us below them!!

one of the happiest things in the world....

WTF mate?

"Huuhuu....God, that's cute."

This upsets me. I do NOT like Kyo....as you can tell from the Unfortunate Dating Service page. He is......UNFORTUNATE.

Pretty self-explanitory XD

These are some random unfrotunate Japanese guys. They make me sad...and kinda scare me. XD

Elizabeth, JAVA, and me after Rocky Horror Audience participation

♥ I <3 this!

Elizabeth on Halloween.

Little Bishop in a turtle neck

Oh yeah!

Laura as Colomb!!!

I made that for YOU, Elizabeth. I saw it on the top of my hotmail page, took it into paint, and there it is.



This was somebody's sig...all I have to say about that is WTF?!


Box of Vanilla Wafers....I think Elizabeth Can see the humor in this. XD


Yeah I made this. Took me a minute...but I'm proud of it. I saw this random "This Exit" sign and Elizabeth was with me and the first thing that popped into my head was "Titty Twister This Exit" So I took a pic and did this. If you've seen From Dusk Till Dawn then you'll understand the humor of this picture. (Sorry about the white border. I'm fat and too lazy to fix it. Get over it.)

This is pretty bad quality but it gets the point across. Elizabeth drew me this. I thought it was pimp so I put it here. I'd draw a picture of Elizabeth bit a) I wouldn't be able to accurately capture ELIZABETH in a drawing and b) I can't draw...it would end up looking like Don Vito on a rainy day, when he's constipated and has measles...and if he were black.


These were some hot peeps at Dragon Con dressed as Willy Wonka....*jacks imaginary peen*....NICE. I am JUST saying

WTF? It's like Japanese Charlie's Angles and some random drag queen